TRE 4x4 BC
Drawer System
Drawer System
For many different specifications, the TRE drawer system provides the perfect solution for storage in any SUV or pickup. It not only provides convenience for vehicle storage but can also be used for many other camping and storage needs.
In addition to the conventional storage drawers, the TRE drawer system has also developed additional accessory storage functions, such as: high and low drawer combinations, roller drawer table and a complete drawer kitchen to maximize the storage and utilization of your vehicle to suite your needs.
For people who like outdoor camping AND delicious food while exploring, TRE4X4 has developed the ROLLER KITCHEN BOX. This powerful and convenient kitchen system is easily accessed via your drawer system. TRE ROLLER KITCHEN BOX integrates a sink, prepping area, and propane stove. The safe, reliable and convenient KITCHEN BOX enables you to enjoy the same food as at home even in the outdoors!
Please contact us to discuss your build, or for a quote for your drawer system. We ship all across Canada!